Analysis 22nd October 2019 What is happening with teachers’ workloads? Teaching and Leadership: Supply and Quality by James Zuccollo
Analysis 18th September 2019 Understanding school revenue expenditure | Part 1: Why do we need another study on school funding? Education Funding by Jon Andrews
Analysis 23rd August 2019 Results season 2019: are we getting any closer to an equitable education system? Curriculum & Qualifications by Jon Andrews
Analysis 22nd August 2019 Analysis: GCSE Results Day 2019 Curriculum & Qualifications by Hannah Buttle
Analysis 20th August 2019 The A level gender gap: attainment and entries (1996 – 2018) Curriculum & Qualifications by Jon Andrews and Andrew Schofield
Analysis 30th July 2019 Infographic: What are the causes of the education disadvantage gap? Social Mobility & Vulnerable Learners by Education Policy Institute
Analysis 13th September 2018 Secondary school choice in England School Performance, Admissions, & Capacity by Emily Hunt