Report 2nd December 2016 Faith Schools, pupil performance, and social selection School Performance, Admissions, & Capacity by Rebecca Johnes and Jon Andrews
Report 22nd November 2016 School Inspection in England: Is there room to improve? Accountability, Assessment, & Inspection by Jo Hutchinson
Report 15th November 2016 Children and Young People’s Mental Health: Time to Deliver Children and young people's mental health by Emily Frith
Report 14th November 2016 Remaking Tertiary Education: can we create a system that is fair and fit for purpose? HE/FE and Skills by Alison Wolf
Report 10th October 2016 Teacher workload and professional development in England’s secondary schools: insights from TALIS Teaching and Leadership: Supply and Quality by Peter Sellen
Report 23rd September 2016 Grammar schools and social mobility School Performance, Admissions, & Capacity by Jo Hutchinson , Jon Andrews and Rebecca Johnes
Report 17th August 2016 Progress and challenges in the transformation of young people’s mental health care Children and young people's mental health by Emily Frith
Report 20th July 2016 Divergent Pathways: the disadvantage gap, accountability and the pupil premium Social Mobility & Vulnerable Learners by Jo Hutchinson and Sir John Dunford
Report 7th July 2016 School performance in multi-academy trusts and local authorities School Performance, Admissions, & Capacity by Jon Andrews
Report 26th May 2016 Widening the gap? The impact of the 30-hour entitlement on early years education and childcare Early Years Development by Rebecca Johnes and Jo Hutchinson
Report 11th April 2016 Children and Young People’s Mental Health: State of the Nation Children and young people's mental health by Emily Frith
Report 4th April 2016 Education in England: Annual Report 2016 Benchmarking English Education by Jo Hutchinson , Rebecca Johnes , Peter Sellen , Natalie Perera , Lance Mao and Mike Treadaway