Nils Braakmann is a Professor of Economics at Newcastle University. His work focuses on empirical microeconomics and the econometric evaluation of public policies, typically using large-scale datasets and microeconometric techniques to investigate questions currently mainly drawn from labour economics, the economics of crime and urban economics. His work has been published widely across the social sciences, for example, in journals such as American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, British Journal of Criminology, British Journal of Industrial Relations, European Economic Review, Industrial Relations, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Social Sciences and Medicine and Urban Studies. He joined Newcastle University in September 2010, first as a Lecturer until 2013, from then as Senior Lecturer until July 2017 and from August 2017 to April 2018 as Reader in Labour Economics. Before coming to England he was a PostDoc in Economics at Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany, where he also completed his doctoral degree in Economics in 2009 as well as Master’s degrees in Business and Economic and Social Sciences.