Eva Lloyd

Eva Lloyd

Eva LloydOBE is Emeritus Professor of Early Childhood in the School of Childhood and Social Care at the University of East London and Co-Founder and former Director of its International Centre for the Study of the Mixed Economy of Childcare- ICMEC. She is Visiting Professor at University College London. Eva has published widely on marketised early childhood education and care systems, particularly as they affect children growing up with poverty. She has extensive experience of working with national and international early childhood policymakers. She was a member of an Expert Group developing recommendations on a new early years funding model for Ireland, implemented in 2022 and she is currently on the Programme Oversight Board overseeing the design of an Irish national Early Learning and Childcare Agency. Her research focuses on sustainable early childhood education and care systems promoting young children’s development, learning and wellbeing, the social and economic wellbeing of their families, and reinforcing the value of the early years workforce. Eva Lloyd is chair of Acorn Early Years, a charitable social enterprise delivering early childhood education and care in 17 nurseries and in out-of-school and Forest School provision in the South Midlands.