Party Conference

The Education Policy Institute has been running a programme of events at the three main political party conferences for eight years.

Every year we partner with high profile stakeholders to run a variety of roundtables, panel events and receptions, in order to facilitate high-level discussion and debate and deliver policy impact. Over the last eight years, our speakers and panelists have included dozens of Ministers and shadow Ministers, prominent sector representatives, and leading research and policy experts. In 2023, we hosted our largest programme of events yet, with over 30 events taking place across the Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative autumn conferences.


Why partner with EPI?

8+ years of experience delivering engaging and impactful events at party conference.

  • Our conference events typically draw in hundreds of attendees from the education sector, academia, political parties, and third sector and business groups – with many offering standing room only, and some trending on social media.
  • Our strong relationships in the sector help to recently secure high profile speakers, including the Secretary of State for Education, the Minister of State for Schools, and the Chair of the House of Commons Education Select Committee.


Get in touch

If your organisation is interested in sponsoring an event at any of the 2024 party conferences, please contact Helen McGlade –


EPI is open to delivering events covering a wide range of subject areas in a variety of formats.