Education priorities in the 2024 general election

25th June 2024 25/06/2024 09:30-11:30

Ahead of the general election on the 4th of July, the Education Policy Institute (EPI) will finish the second half of our two-stage research project working to ensure that education is a key priority in party manifestos and in the public discourse leading up to the election.

Last Summer, we published a report setting out Education priorities in the next general election. Once the manifestos are released, EPI will be publishing an assessment of the education-related pledges to review how well they are aligned with the evidence and whether they are likely to tackle key challenges facing the sector, in particular looking at their impact on closing the disadvantage gap. 

On the 25th of June 2024, we will be hosting an event to launch this second report. Following opening remarks from Jon Andrews, EPI and Josh Hillman, The Nuffield Foundation, there will be an overview of the key findings from EPI researchers Robbie Cruikshanks and Shruti Khandekar.  We will then hear from an expert panel of key education sector leaders including Sir Jon Coles, United Learning; Felicity Gillespie, Kindred2; David Hughes, Association of Colleges and Anne Longfield, Centre for Young Lives. The panel will be chaired by James Zuccollo, EPI. The project and event are kindly supported by the Nuffield Foundation.

** To request a place at this event, please email**


Education priorities in the 2024 general election
Jon Andrews
Head of Analysis, Education Policy Institute
Education priorities in the 2024 general election
Sir Jon Coles
Chief Executive, United Learning
Education priorities in the 2024 general election
Robbie Cruikshanks
Researcher, School System and Performance, Education Policy Institute
Education priorities in the 2024 general election
Shruti Khandekar
Senior Researcher, Higher Education, Education Policy Institute
Education priorities in the 2024 general election
Felicity Gillespie
Director, Kindred²
Education priorities in the 2024 general election
Josh Hillman
Director of Education, The Nuffield Foundation
Education priorities in the 2024 general election
David Hughes CBE
Chief Executive, Association of Colleges
Education priorities in the 2024 general election
Anne Longfield CBE
Executive Chair and Founder, Centre For Young Lives
Education priorities in the 2024 general election
James Zuccollo
Director for School Workforce, Education Policy Institute