26th December 2016

Education Policy Institute Response to ‘Schools that work for everyone’ consultation

On the 12th September the Government launched a 12-week public consultation, ‘Schools that work for everyone‘, setting out a series of proposals aimed at improving access to good schools.

Today, in response the Education Policy Institute has released its official submission.

You can read it in full here.

See also:

Grammar schools and social mobility’:our first report on this area – the most detailed impartial study of the data and evidence on selective schools for almost a decade.

Faith Schools, pupil performance, and social selection’: this report considers the premise in Schools that work for everyone that faith schools are high-performing and support increased social mobility.

Grammar schools and social mobility’ – Further analysis of policy options’: this second selective schools report examines what the effects would be of putting new grammar schools in different parts of the country, and the impact of introducing quotas for Free School Meal children in grammar schools.

The 11-plus and access to grammar schools’: we examine the current barriers to entry to grammar schools for disadvantaged pupils; whether it is possible to design tests that are ‘tutor-proof’, and the impact of employing quotas or lower pass marks for FSM (free school meal) pupils.