Professor Kitty Stewart

Professor Kitty Stewart

Dr Kitty Stewart is Associate Professor in Social Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Associate Director of the LSE’s Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion.

Her research interests include child poverty and disadvantage, early childhood policy, and international comparisons of policy and outcomes relating to poverty and inequality. She recently headed an international comparative project funded by the Nuffield Foundation looking at the quality and accessibility of early education and childcare in different countries, and she is currently leading on another Nuffield-funded project examining the extent to which children accessing early education in England are clustered by social and ethnic background. Other recent work includes a systematic review for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation on the impact of household income on children’s outcomes.  Dr Stewart was also part of the Social Policy in a Cold Climate project team at CASE, where she examined policy, spending and outcomes for the under-fives after the 2007 financial crisis.

Dr Stewart has a PhD in Economics from the European University Institute, Florence. After finishing her PhD she spent two years at the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre in Florence before joining LSE in 2001.