Simon Burgess

Simon Burgess

Simon is a Professor of Economics in the School of Economics, at the University of Bristol . He is a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA). He is the Programme Director (Economics of Education) and Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor. 

He was Director of The Centre for Market and Public Organisation, CMPO from 2004 – 2014, an ESRC-funded Research Centre. She was also Director of The Centre for Understanding Behaviour Change, CUBeC, from 2010 – 2014, a Department for Education-funded Research Centre. Before that he was Faculty Research Dean for the Faculty of Social Science and Law. 

He is a Governor of NIESR and sits on several Advisory Boards. She  was the Independent Chair of the Board of the Somerset Challenge, 2016 – 2017, a locally-funded School Improvement Initiative. 

He is a labour economist, and for the last twenty years or so my research interests have been in the economics of education. His particular interests are in teacher effectiveness; pupil motivation; school accountability; choice and competition, school admissions and unequal access to high-performing schools. She also works on the educational performance of minority students and ethnic segregation in schools. 

Previously he has worked on employment and unemployment dynamics, the analysis of poverty and household income dynamics, incentives in organisations, and a few other topics.