Making the Grade? Exam grade accuracy and its implications

25th January 2018 27/02/2018 16:30-18:30

Before the creation of Ofqual just under a decade ago,  the issue of grade reliability was one of great concern. Since then Ofqual, as the exams regulator, has undertaken significant research to challenge and improve marking and to raise confidence in the quality of English and Welsh qualifications. In the last year, with the publication of ‘Marking Consistency Metrics’ (Ofqual, 2016) and the introduction of Progress 8, it is timely to revisit grade reliability in England’s high-stakes education system.

This private round-table, hosted by EPI on behalf of HMC (the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference) and ASCL, will bring together experts in the field to consider:

  • the latest evidence on grade reliability;
  • the implications of grade unreliability for overall system confidence and candidate outcomes;
  • the interpretation of grading by ‘exam users’, such as schools, colleges, universities and employers; and
  • possible alternative forms of reporting student attainment.

This event is invitation-only
. Please contact for further details.